Neural Network tips and practices

This post aims at collecting reasons behind the common practices of training neural networks, as well as maintaining a list of reference on how to train them.

Notes of CS224d lecture[1]


In backpropagation, we just want to comput the gradient of example-wise loss with respect to paramters. The main piece is to apply the derivative chain rule wisely. A common property in bp is if computing the loss(example, paramters) is computation, then so is computing the gradient.

Figure 1. back propagation

Both operations are visualized in Figure 1.

Multi-task learing/weight sharing

We already knew that word vectors can be share cross tasks. The main idea of multi-task learning is instead of only word vectors, the hidden layer weights can be shared too. Only the final softmax weights are different. The cost function of multi-task learning is the sum of all the cross entropy errors.

General Strategy for Successful NNets

Select network structure appropriate for problem



Figure 2. Different types of nolinearties.(Left): hard tanh; (center): soft sign, tanh and softmax; (right):relu

Check for implementation bugs with gradient checks

Gradient check allows you to know that whether there are bugs in your neural network implementation or not. just follow the steps bellow:

  1. implement your gradient
  2. Implement a finite difference computation by looping through the parameters of your network, adding and subtracting a small epsilon() and estimate derivatives

  3. compare the two and make sure they are almost the same When work with tensorflow, this part could be skipped.

Parameter initialization

Before initialize paramter, make sure the input data are normalized to zero mean with small deviation. Some common practices on weight initializing:

  1. initialize hidden layer bias to 0
  2. initialize weights by sampling from , where inversely propotional to fan-in(previous layer size) and fan-out(next layer size). Normally, for sigmoid, for tanh.

Optimization tricks

Gradient descent uses total gradient over all examples per update, it is very slow and should never be used. Most commly used now is Mini-batch Stochastic Gradient Descent with a mini batch size between , the update rule is

where is the mini batch size.


The idea of momentum is adding a fraction of previous update to current one.

where is initialized to .

When the gradient keeps pointing in the same direction, this will increase the size of the steps taken towards the minimum.

single sgd update with momentum

Figure 3. Single SGD update with Momentum

simple converx function optimization dynamics

Figure 4. Simple convex function optimization dynamics: without momentum(left), with momentum(right)

However, when using a lot of momentum, the global learning rate should be reduced.

Learning Rates

The simpleest recipe is to keep it fixed and use the same for all parameters. Better results show by allowing learning rates to decrease Options:


AdaGrad adapts differently for each parameter and rare parameters get larger uodates than frequently occuring parameters. Let

Check if the model is powerful enough to overfit



  1. Practical recommendations for gradient-based training of deep architectures
  2. UFLDL page on gradient checking
  3. CS224d Lecture: Practical tips: gradient checks, overfitting, regularization, activation functions, details